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The year of 1990-1994

The space radar for subsurface soil sounding of Mars (Project Mars-96), designed by Radar Systems, Inc. researchers in close cooperation with our colleagues from National ...

The year of 1989

LOUCH-2 georadar onboard MI-8 helicopter. Box antennas seen on helicopter sides. Sounding frequency: 50 MHz. Two-channel receiver. The unit already used the aperture real-time ...

The year of 1988

Radiolocation profile (bottom) obtained using 'Zond-8' georadar. Top display shows the structure (section) of the environment sounded. Printout was made on heat-sensitive ...

The year of 1988

ZOND-8 georadar. Its central unit is shown in the center, recorder is to the right, 120 MHz antenna system to the left, and battery in the rear. Data recording was done again ...

The year of 1983

ZOND-4 georadar central unit. Traces were displayed on a CRT screen; analogue data recording was done on a magnetic cassette. Sounding frequencies: 50 and 100 MHz. ...

The year of 1980

This was the way subsurface signals were displayed on ZOND-1 georadar CRT screen. ...

The year of 1980

Field tests of ZOND-1 georadar, the first one of Zond GPR series. The equipment assembly was made using transistors and radio valves; it had considerable overall dimensions ...