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20.06.2022 - GPR2022

We would like to thank all our visitors at the 19th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar GPR2022 (booth #9)! We have presented our new generation ...

31.05.2022 - Zond Aero 500 system certified by FCC and IC

Our representative in USA and Canada SPH Engineering has received FCC Grant of Equipment Authorisation and Canadian Certificate of Conformity that allows the company ...

21.02.2022 - New Zond Aero 1000 system

Newly developed ultra lightweight Zond Aero 1000 system has following features: 1. Ultra light weight - 1.7 kg (without protective case) 2. Built-in shielded ...

04.11.2021 - New Zond Aero 500 system

Newly developed ultra lightweight Zond Aero 500 system has following features: 1. Ultra light weight - 1.9 kg (without protective case) 2. Built-in shielded antenna 500A 3. ...

22.07.2021 - Using a Drone-based GPR for Avalanche Victim Search

Our partners UgCS Integrated Systems by SPH Engineering discloses the results of avalanche victim search using Zond GPR and issues a collaborative white ...

17.06.2021 - The flight of Zond Aero 500 prototype on DJI M300

DJI M300 Drone flight with geophysical payload of light weight Zond Aero 500 GPR with shielded antenna. The GPR weight is less than 3 kg. In cooperation with our partners ...

10.06.2021 - Follow us

We are happy to invite you to follow us on: LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and facebook ...

09.06.2021 - Zond-12e Drone LF flight

Sand quarry sounding from DJI M600 Pro drone with light weight Low Frequency Zond-12e Drone LF GPR with 150 MHz unshielded antenna. In cooperation with SPH Engineering (integrated.ugcs.com) The ...

26.02.2021 - Application of Zond-12e GPR in East Antarctica

The GPR method is widely used in engineering geophysics, it allows quick and high-detail study of the near-surface structure. In recent years, its advantages, including ...

11.02.2021 - Comparison of the shielded antennas 300, 200 and 100 MHz

We have tested our shielded antennas 300, 200 and 100 MHz on the same test side for comparison purposes. We passed 2 profiles with each antenna - uphill and downhill ...